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Ordinary Hide to Seek

Hide to Seek

Children play simple games that move quickly. When adults play their versions of these same games, it is difficult to see who wins. The game of fear includes hiding instead of showing up or standing out. Feelings are mostly an inside job due to our ability to wear a mask that attempts to disguise whatever real feelings are stirring. If you have ever been identified as shy or introverted, you know the negative connection associated with being labeled less talkative than others. Many people clam up when attacked to fight off the urge to lash back, act in a manner opposite what they intend to show or in an effort to change the subject faster. Sometimes we don’t want to seek anyone else.

Seek Protection

Even fear can be protective. It has internal power over our thoughts and our brains can be fierce bulldogs in the face of truth. Change begets change and our thoughts use up a lot of energy swirling around the customary tasks in a day. Humans are so naturally attentive though that many times we know that something is wrong even when it is denied. Hence, the use of the word “fine” to provide the common answer we use as a greeting. We don’t think that anyone really wants to know how we feel, and they are just being courteous. That is possible but if it is a partner or parent or child, they know you are hiding. And we all know that we don’t hide the good stuff unless we have an excellent reason to do so. The voice of fear is sneaky too. It disguises hurt, anger and weariness. We think we do a good job with this game, but we are just trying to hide it from ourselves really.

Unravel Trust

You can become who you believe you are, but it takes self-trust. It may backfire but the continuous dimming of our visibility results in depriving others of our unique gifts and talents. Our own bright lights help others see better and allows them to shine more from the reflection. The light dispels the darkness, and we all lose our ability to hide. Conflicts that bring up stronger emotions get resolved faster when there is light. If you think about our inate feelings about the dark and all of the monsters it hides, daylight seems like a welcome relief. It’s difficult to have a loud argument watching a sunrise.

Shine the Light

The change in seasons that brings longer hours of sunlight are welcome. It is as if humans yearn to get out and soak up light. The ability to see clearly eliminates some of our fears and it is really hard to play hide and seek in broad daylight with minimal cover. Nature turns toward the light to grow. Water draws us closer to play in the sparkling oceans and lakes. We breath more deeply and sit back to watch what happens when we can sit back and listen to your own heartbeat. So, play hide and seek with yourself. Illuminate the corners you haven’t checked lately. You are still in there. The decisions you make in the light might change the course of your life.

Is it childish to hide in the dark to let others find us? Are your fears selfishly blocking the light in you? Is there a part of you that you want to hide?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach