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Ordinary Hike

This trail looks endless

Hiking is just walking

Those robust individuals who choose to make those awesome treks through and up mountains have a different spirit. Of course, they still have to come back those roads or down those hills, but that isn’t always considered the more difficult part of the activity. It is good to discover how much of a trailblazer you are. If the thought of traversing paths is just for the fun of doing it, you are in. If you want to tackle difficult physical walks to prove something, you are in. But there has to be a buy-in to really enjoy it. It is challenging to make it a part of your story if you don’t get the grins when you do it. But there is more than one way to seek adventure. Maybe walking a solid mile is a great goal. Maybe throwing a ball back and forth will jumpstart some necessary feels. Perhaps taking that friend up on trying a new sport will help you both solidify a friendship. It may be impossible to see what the real result is until you try. Adventurous spirits are born and made. Some take more time to develop. Some take time to get over past beliefs. It doesn’t really matter when you are staring at the ground and take that first step.

Every adventure

Option #1: What is beneath your feet?

Option #2: What seems adventurous today to you?

Option #3: What would happen if you did something out of the ordinary?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes an adventure, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach