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Ordinary Hurt

Hurt your Enemy

Humans will do almost anything to avoid being hurt. They will certainly inflict pain on others to avoid hurt affecting them. Think about that. The hurt that brutish humans are reacting with vitriol to is a fear of loss of control. Many humans have up to this point lived very privileged lives that insured centuries of control over others. There is no point in looking back in time and trying to change what happened. The past will always be in the rear-view mirror. When a human deliberately uses their control to hurt another human, that is an action based on a fear of something that their presumed opponent can do and must be avoided at all costs. They may act as if they are saving their enemy but then they use the lance they are carrying.

Hurt is Fearful

Responsive hurt escalates over time. At first, there are just dirty looks. The looks move on to spiteful words. When actions get involved, they have levels that gradually increase in extremity. Escalation almost always leads to oppression. One human has worked with intensity to make sure that another human stays under their control. It is easy to acknowledge this in domestic abuse, but every family and group knows exactly who the aggressors are in each tribe. The intensity of the pain that is inflicted is in direct proportion to how much can be achieved without any repercussions. Screaming becomes a game of who can shout louder. Verbal violence becomes a competition on who can make statements that inflict injury without physical touch. Pushing becomes shoving that becomes hitting that becomes human destruction. Escalation is the only path taken. Rarely is the high road busy.

Hurt Me

Imagine what it feels like to be hurt for a moment. Just casually hurt. Maybe someone says something funny about what you are wearing or your hair or something snarky. We laugh a little nervously and pretend not to take offense. But there is hurt. Consider why that human spoke snidely. Maybe they needed to show off or needed attention or was envious or any other stupid reason that was just floating around in their head that they had not analyzed. Then their mouth opened, and the pain flowed out. They may have felt a moment of delight but eventually that kind of thing gets easier to do when it receives attention. You have seen this in kids who want attention. And who doesn’t want more attention? The little hurts are where it starts because it makes it easier to get away with. By the time the fists are thrown, or the laws are passed, the danger is bound to reach the soul of the one who is on the bottom of the heap.

Looks can Kill

Check the faces of those involved in the hate that is reported constantly in the news. The look of hate has been normalized for those who want to control others. The reason to use the escalation method instead of the opposite way is to exert power and quiet the fear of those who wield the power so that everyone gets back into their rightful place. It is vital that our faces don’t permanently take on this look. There is little reason for those who are in the group that is being used by the powerful or those who are being schooled by the powerful to lose their minds. To do so means that both groups are under the control field and have been fooled by those with influence to do their bidding. This is a great time to examine the why behind beliefs. Coaches are always preaching this, including me. If you cannot reasonably tell me why you are totally for or against something, take some time to think it over. And then figure out how to communicate with other humans who have dropped their fear to talk. If power is a numbers game, the more willing to deescalate and work together, the better. That should really scare the powerful.

Does it seem as if the culture is overly scared of the power of gender? Can you resist being taken in by those who control you for their own control plot? Can you think for yourself, really?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach