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Ordinary Impression

Decide beforehand

Impressions are conveyed quickly and often taken incorrectly. My first impression of everyone I meet is made by my brain at a rapid speed because it still decides whether I need to start running away. When I am thoughtfully meeting someone new, I decide beforehand what I want to convey to them in an attempt not to masquerade as a hungry lion.

It only takes a moment

Songs and stories abound proclaiming what we as humans know automatically. It takes a quick second to figure out if the human you are talking to can be trusted. My supercomputer of a mind is able to regard an impression so quickly that it also has a chance of being incorrect. That undone moment takes a lot longer to fix and requires more interaction to produce a different result. It’s not love at first sight most of the time. But when it is, it is magical. Hence, the scarcity of occurrence.

Compassionate Impression

Deciding beforehand what to demonstrate gives me the chance to set the best intention and thoughtfully choose what the best me looks like. Squashing the insecurities that go hand in hand with meeting someone new develops layers of what I want you to know about me to feel comfortable. It isn’t deceptive advertising practices, it is knowing what I am able to give away to help you get to know me faster.

Naturally me

The natural me is really nice. The scared me isn’t. I know them both well. I can control who shows up by thinking the thoughts that keep me openminded. The next steps are easier because I removed some obstacles. Speaking naturally helps, smiling easily adds a pleasant look and slowing down and appreciating the moment adds the secret sauce. Slowing down works to increase appreciation in many ways in life. When I make an intention to make each interaction great for another, we both win.

Can you be secure enough to be your best ordinary self for another? Increasing the chances of being comfortable with who I am increases the chances of another letting their defenses down and the game starting off better. What impression are you deliberating demonstrating by default?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach