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Ordinary Keeper

Finder or Keeper

Some people have a little hound in them. Some have a little banker. The hounds like to sniff out new stuff. The bankers work to save what is at hand. They are both essential. We need the unknown as well as the known. We need these experts on both sides.

What is my strength?

Identifying how I make a difference helps to inspire me to use my super skills to improve my world. I am struck by the fact that I can move back and forth between these two worlds. Sometimes I am at my best trying to uncover what is hidden and needs more light. Sometimes my ability to hold onto the most important parts of life shows me as a protector. I can find and I can keep. It’s like being an adult girl scout who takes promises seriously and knows how to decide what pocket to slide the important into.

Spectators don’t have an effect

Being involved is more important than understanding your strength. Standing on the sidelines doesn’t do much. Used as a method to show a lack of bias and removing yourself from what is going on has the opposite effect. You become less significant because what you do doesn’t matter. Life does not happen externally. Everything really happens internally.

Embrace the hunt and hugs

The truth is life requires flexibility. Finding the sparkly stuff and putting it on a pedestal to be enjoyed can be done. When mining for gold, rubies can be found. Life has powerful lessons for us to handle properly with clear thought. It is essential to find the thoughts that benefit us and protect them from the false but often replayed negative musings. I want to continue to hunt for how to repeat these tactics because they can be closely embraced.

Can you sniff out what really is important? Holding and protecting the truth will always be the high road. Are you ready to stand above what doesn’t need to be on the platform?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach