Ordinary LBD

Everyone should have at least one LBD but its importance might not be so obvious. The ubiquitous LBD is your mainstay piece of clothing that you can grab and put to work in any situation. This outfit might not be a dress or even black, but you should have some pieces of clothing that work every time for you. Dressing comfortably decreases the stress level and maintains a sense of confidence if it doesn’t veer off to sloppyland.

The best part of the idea of a personal LBD is that it can be applied to many subjects and when incorporated into your lifestyle can help you limit your purchases. Your LBD of weekend clothing and workday outfits should all blend together effortlessly. They tell your story and we all judge each other on what we are wearing all of the time. The same reasoning occurs on whether your hair is combed. Your workout gear should work out well for you and encourage you to want to feel fitter. Your pj’s should be good looking and something you could wear in public and not disgrace yourself. But you should never really wear them in public. That is absurd. Garanimals for adults would be a great idea.

I know that finding well-fitting undergarments is absolutely essential and correct fit must become your holy grail because it is totally worth the time investment. The number of females who remove their bras as soon as they get home is astronomical. Understandably, shoes are removed pretty quickly too but they carry your whole body all day. Being a proper adult means figuring out the important things. Don’t wear clothing or shoes that don’t fit.

The same system should apply to jewelry and accessories. Get a signature look. If you have a lot of pins, wear them. Bracelets could be your thing. Sensational scarves could adorn your body, head or purse. Handbags should be the correct size needed to hold your daily treasures. Be known for a style that fits you and only you.

Fashions change and adding contemporary items brightens up your choices, but don’t be a victim to the fickle world of fashion. Be fashionably you. If you want to test if you have been a victim, check out pictures from ten years ago. Ask yourself if you would wear the same outfit today. Continue to accentuate the positive aspects of your chosen look. Your signature haircut is next.

What does your daily look say about you? Even if you work from home, you should respect yourself enough to dress for your cats, video chats and the Amazon delivery person. What will eliminating unwearable non-LBD pieces do to your closet?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach