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Ordinary Leadership

Leadership is Everywhere

I see you. You lead. Everyday. I am not sure you see you though. Being a leader is not unusual. It takes some leading steps to go about your business as a person and is required to keep life on track. As a society, we act like this is something special. But, you regularly lead all the time. On the other hand, being a great leader is something special. Maybe that’s why there are so many classes in how to do it. We want greater leadership.

Lead Yourself

First, is how you lead yourself. Delegating this power allows you to lead by default and doesn’t end up well even though it can feel easy. Following someone else’s example is like wearing someone else’s shoes. Even if the size seems similar, the fit is always a little wonky. The last thing you want when you are moving forward is focusing on keeping your balance. You can take cues from other leaders, but you must be you.

Leading others Side by Side

It’s like your own parade. Your team moves forward as you join the fun of working together. You act in great service to those around you. You take your energy from their strength as the entire group makes progress That is your gift of leadership. Spreading the fortune enables the gold to multiply. The more you give away your great leadership, the more that comes back to you.

Lead Out

Supporting a community allows an entirely different dimension to leading. Leading from the outside or even from the back allows the pack to discover new ways. Watching how others use the freedom of leadership can demonstrate methods you may never have used or known. Leaders must be open to watching others lead. That open mind is what true leaders use to surprise themselves with how to develop their own aspirational skills.

As a real leader, you will never have all the answers. Can you grow in your leadership skills by challenging yourself as much as possible? Do you seek out communities that you can lead from a different place than you usually do? Is your self leadership inspiring others?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach