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Ordinary Life

Now is right now

Right here

It’s been a great year of change and hopefully growth. Every month this year, we have focused on one topic to gradually transform our lives. This month we are going to review some big topics that make up a great overall life. Even though it is helpful to drill down on habits and routines, the values that guide our lives takes those to the next level. We have paused, breathed with hands on hearts and become the actual person we are today in this moment. If you can think back to January, you can visualize what has changed. But there is one overriding value that will always be the heart of everything we are.

Right Now

Love is the center of everything. It is easy to feel like there are more pressing matters, but love will always be lurking. When the day starts and the stopwatch of our activities takes over, there isn’t time to stop and wax poetic about the value of love. But that is exactly the point. You don’t have to. Those fast-paced daily tasks are a part of the love you have in life. If you are dressing yourself to feel good, brushing and flossing daily, making that bed and keeping a tidy home, you are demonstrating love. It isn’t all heart shaped candy boxes and flowers. In fact, most days, it has nothing to do with valentines.

Waiting for you

We aren’t trained to be loving. We pick up some habits from our original families. If there was demonstrated love in your childhood home, you may turn out to be a hugger. If your original family was more into words of affection, you probably picked up a few pithy ways to speak your love lingo. If you didn’t have the type of love you expected, you probably didn’t figure that our until adulthood. The good part is that now you have the chance to be the type of loving person you really want to be. If you want to leave little post-its on mirrors for yourself or those you love, do it. If you want to change the oil on your partner’s car, do it. If you leave stuffed animals in compromising positions for your partner to get a loving hint, go for it. Even better, if you just want to look with love at someone else, there are multiple hours in the day to look with love.

Look for Love

Yes, it is there. Absolutely everywhere. You just have to expect it. Love will surprise you. Even shock you. That is the fun side of love. It has a serious side also. You can love those who aren’t with you any longer. Your love can go on and on and on. It is yours. If you have ever broken up with anyone but still loved them, you get it. The best part of having so many different love veins is that it never really gets tired. This is an active value. But you must start with you. You must really love yourself. This involves turning the cheek at those you hear spouting crap. This also involves those who haven’t gotten the memo yet on how to love. You can just look with love at them and hope for the best. They are not you. They don’t even have to exist in your realm. If you turn your head and close your eyes, they will disappear. At some point, you may be able to smile when you do this. You have arrived at this beautiful point in life. This moment. This time of love.

Turn your mirrors into self-love reflections. Practice loving more every day.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach