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Ordinary Life School

Recess looks like it might be fun.

Life School Education

If you liked elementary, middle or high school, this theory will resonate with you. Early learning functions as a practice to help you learn how to sit still, listen and respond. Those habits are used often in the workplace to avoid chaos. But there is a better, more improved school that exists, and we are all in it together. The School of Life. The uniforms are pretty cool, the lunchroom varies, and you can choose to sit near your bestie if you want. Being an adult has some benefits.

Patient School

Life is a very patient teacher and happy to repeat lessons over and over until the effort invested in banging your head against the same wall results in a pain so great that you choose to back up and look at what you are doing. We exist to actually evolve. We may be bound in human being bodies, but the challenges are diverse and limitless. The easy lessons take us off guard for the difficult passages. And then there are those once-in-a-lifetime doozies that shake everything apart. The big ones usually involve our hearts and create a lack of direction that makes us feel unwilling to learn. Strangely, the lost feeling ends up in placing us at a new juncture.

Lessons to Learn

You probably had some subjects that you liked in school. They literally spoke to your passions. Life lessons don’t need to show up in those subjects. Life likes to increase your knowledge, but the schooling is directed at the intellect, heart and soul. That is drastically different than just learning how to not fidget in your seat. Even worse, we don’t know if the learning involves pain or pleasure. Once that pesky ability to choose sneaks in, the universe reminds us that we can ignore the lesson. This leads the opportunity for repetition. If the incorrect choice is made in these situations, that chaos that we were trying to avoid from elementary school takes the lead. This can also upend any previous lessons we learned in resilience and fear. Remember when you only learned part of your homework before a test? Failure is more likely.

Hindsight Learning

Yes, looking back can be easier than attempting to see the future. Growth through learning is absolutely required in life and attendance is mandatory. If it is possible to relax enough to resist getting brush-burnt, a certain level of joy arrives with the ride. The new lesson experience might not be obvious. The knowledge might be visible well after the experience. The difference is easy to feel also. On this ride, your arms are in the air and your eyes are wide open so that you don’t miss the thrill. Learning increases the ability of the heart and soul to settle back into life and trust it. It also provides lessons that we didn’t even know we needed. Moving forward, check out the course book. You might find a sparkly new lesson to capture your attention. It’s better than just sitting in that cramped desk waiting for someone to toss an eraser at the teacher.

What are you afraid to learn about yourself? If you wonder about the lessons that keep coming back, have you paid enough attention to them? Are you ready to go to the chalkboard and work on a problem?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach