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Ordinary Love

Illusive Love

The object we spend most of our lives pursuing is love. It may be love of a person, a career, recognition, relevance or maybe even being spectacular. Like a slippery baby in bathwater, we try our hardest not to lose it by tightening our grip. Love requires constant vigilance if it is to be captured. It is a snow leopard.

Can you Really love

Being good at loving is a skill. If you were given the task of making a list of your top five loves and you aren’t first on the list, you are already in trouble. You must love yourself first. It is not selfish; it is a requirement. To think otherwise is to fool yourself into believing that you are a better person because you put others before yourself. That is a faulty and false humble fest of reasoning. You don’t get points for it either.

Love others as Yourself

You’ve heard or read it literally hundreds of times. Love others as you love yourself. That presumes that you love yourself well enough first to have the knowledge of how to love another. If you didn’t get the memo, you may now have the answer to why love has been so difficult to hold onto before. Many of us wander through life wondering where the love of our life is and don’t recognize them in the reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Creating a loving life

The amount of time you invest in creating loving moments in your life pays off with a percentage that astounds financial experts. Love compounds at a rate that can astonish you once you start to seek ways to make it a part of your life. Since we all have a different viewpoint on what means love to us, it is plain that we must let others know our lovepoint. And you must actively seek to understand the language of love for those you want to remain close to. It takes interest, time and courage to be vulnerable enough to seek and give love. You can even love those who are not around you anymore. Love doesn’t have to go away unless you decide to give it a firm push.

Live with Love

It’s not so easy to start doing, but deciding to live with love becomes such a pleasant experience that you will kick yourself for not falling for love earlier. You may be reluctant to really believe that it was there all along. It is sadly possible to blame life for not letting you know sooner. But that thought will disappear quickly as you replace it with the thoughts you will start to have about how to replicate more love. The feel of love will pour into every facet of your life and you won’t want it to stop. You only need to decide it’s time to love. Just love you first.

If you dared to make it right now, would your list of the loves of your life be shorter than you wanted? Do you know that loving is all up to you? What one step can you take right this minute to love yourself more?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach