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Ordinary Luck

In Luck

The sheer number of superstitions and descriptions around luck tells us that it is hard to pin down with certainty. Luck vibrates with a sense of chance and the twist of lack of control. It is a little like a toddler who is learning to walk. There will be falls along with the excitement of first steps and smiles and laughter. Luck makes the improbable possible. For that reason alone, it is fun to think about because everyone has the same odds. Good luck.

Bad Luck

It’s good to be able to blame something outside of ourselves when a result doesn’t match our expectations. Luck is very willing to be both the bad guy and the good guy in any scenario. In fact, luck is often playing both parts since we attach names like winners and losers to the same event. Luck doesn’t care which side it is playing on because it still wins somewhere else. When we are on the losing side of any equation, we have bad luck. It is just a fact that since there is winning and losing, the odds are stacked against us sometimes. This is great to remove the possibility that there could have been some skill involved. It even gives us the right to hope for better chances the next time without lifting a finger.

Abundant Luck

If luck is not predestined, why can’t we just believe and have it anyway? The very circumstances that seem lucky to one of us don’t match the expectations of anyone else. If it is possible to select everything that happens as fortunate, our thoughts will automatically find the parts of each circumstance that fit that description. Our destinies are shaped by what we think about what is happening to us right this second. Focusing more on the serendipity of life allows for an appreciation of the prosperity involved in each situation. The randomness of the improbable decreases and the certainty of success gets raised. Feelings of abundance are based on thoughts. Feeling lucky is a belief that can be strengthened.

Make your own Luck

Your thoughts can create feelings that you are lucky. It works in the opposite direction also. You have seen those “down on their luck” and probably recognize that luck was not the only cause of what you were seeing. It just gets the blame. But luck can also get credit where it is not due. If you have ever considered someone else “just lucky” you may not be aware of the effort that went into getting to their supposedly envious level. The achievement principle of making your own luck is well known in business. It is really just paying attention and being ready and able to take action at the correct time to take advantage of a circumstance. This kind of preparation is open to all of us. Being ready to jump into prepared action is a good way to create what looks like luck when you are successful. The difference is you made it happen. You created and believed in your own luck. That is worth a fortune.

Does luck smile on only some people? Where can you find good luck in your life? Can you predict where you want to be fortunate in your future and take action to make it a reality?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach