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Ordinary Magic


Tricks aren’t treats

The best kinds of magic tricks can’t be seen. When things disappear right in front of our eyes, small items move from underneath cups without us seeing them or a seemingly random card shows up out of a pack, magic becomes the explanation. But it is probably more likely that some sleight of hand and eyes is really what happened. Tricks are fun to watch because they test our powers of sight. It is possible to not see many forms of magic from weather anomalies to the sudden end of gridlock while trying to get to a destination on time. Those aren’t tricks but could be magical. The real beauty of magic is the ability to name it so whenever needed. Even if it doesn’t fit the traditional definition, no one really cares. In fact, it’s more fun to proclaim it magical. Looking for magical times in life is a sweet idea but there is a surprise in thinking the opposite thought. If magic is real, the inverse is also possible. The magic that cannot be seen doesn’t get the same attention. But it is just as powerful. Let’s not discount our place in the woo-woo world of smoke and mirrors.

Think about the last magical moment you felt.

The Wizard is you

Option #1: Do you approve of magic in your life?

Option #2: Is it possible you are avoiding the magic in your life?

Option #3: Can you make up your own magical word to secretly use?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes how magic shows up for you, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach