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Ordinary Message

Message Thoughts

We tend to have thoughts about what others think about us. Those are thoughts about thoughts or a couple of degrees of separation apart. If you played a childhood game where you shared a statement by whispering it from person to person, you know how easy it is to dilute even simple sentences. Since thoughts arrive on a seemingly random basis and the thoughts we think others are having about us are really unknown to us, these are fictional at best. We might as well ask complete strangers what they think others are thinking to get more entertaining responses.

What is your Message?

We are walking billboards. We advertise our messages without even thinking about it. The uniqueness of being a human gives us the opportunity to demonstrate our message externally. We choose how we want others to experience us. We easily recognize the message of others and judge it. Sometimes, we find a great model and put some thought into our own message in an effort to elevate it or define it further. Failure to understand what our message looks like means that our default communication may be misinterpreted. This is usually a surprise to us because we thought we were being crystal clear.

Unheard Messaging

Silence isn’t always golden. When we ignore our self-message, it is left to find a way to get known. When we aren’t sure of our communication methods, our appearance is not clear. The message is tangled and uncertain. When we haven’t taken the time to develop our own signals, the same effect occurs but it is quieter. The silence means that there is a scarcity in how we see ourselves. Working from a lack of message leaves a giant black hole. So, ditch the thoughts about what others are thinking and think for yourself about yourself.

Market the Message

Once a personal message is clear for you, everyone can see it. Your mission flows through your words, actions and demeanor. Knowing your own plan gives you direction. Modeling where you want to take yourself is easily noticed. Living the life you were intended to live changes everything. The proverbial purpose everyone searches for is written all over you. Guesswork is not a plan as a way to live life. Stop being complacent and choose.

What message do you provide at meetings, show to friends and use to help guide you? Are you exhibiting a default message because you haven’t figured out your own? Not having a chosen message lets others determine yours. Do you really want anyone else to make that choice?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach