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Ordinary Message

Life is a really big show


I have written before about the importance of comings and goings. They are the you-never-know times in life. They should have a little extra tingle. Since this is the last week in our year of transformation, some importance should be attached to this message. Oddly, the big message is really ordinary. In the best way. Your life can be changed in a moment. That doesn’t just refer to those random life occurrences. That means you can do it. If you get another day to rise and shine, take it as a reminder to remember who you are and who you can be. Listening to your inner guide is essential. Being curious will get you past the worry of new stuff. Aligning with your core values will give you strength. You were born for this. Now go.

Light a candle

I probably haven’t mentioned that I am afraid of fire. I don’t light candles. It’s a long story. But I do acquaint candles with inspiration and can have them unlit around me. See, an old dog can learn a new trick. I look for thoughts that equate something with it being a nice idea. But there is more. Reality is caused by taking thoughts and making them real. Don’t just think. Action is what needs to happen. Your passion led life is fed by every step you take in the progress of your choices. You create your own reality. You don’t have to watch any shows to understand how. You live a life thinking up action steps. An active life.

Nothing more than Feelings

Yep. That’s how we humans measure life. Make feeling joy a high point in your barometer because we are hard-wired to forge ahead to winning points. The physical feelings attached to higher vibrational emotions will shock you. You might think that you are not supposed to feel that great. You are wrong. I have already tested this enough to tell you that you won’t believe it at first. And then you will be reluctant to discuss it because you think it is going to go away. And eventually you will slip and tell someone about it. Even if they think you are off your rocker, you will feel alright still. It may still shock you when life falls into place. Try not to distrust it too long. That takes away some of the time when you could just be smiling to yourself about how amazing life really is. And it is.

Born to Run

You were born to find your most authentic self, the best path for you and a plan to commit to. No one tells you that. But think of it as easily as you know that you will take another breath right after this one. You will not be able to imagine your life dedicated to anything else when you reach this point. You will see the connections that will help you journey to future you. Continue to write your thoughts in your journal. Continue to pause with your hand on your heart and breathe those cleansing breaths. Feel your emotions by closing your eyes and seeing your inner vault. This is all you now. Shift your focus from time to time to smile at your progress. This will ensure that you keep moving forward. I don’t want to belittle any of the wise and wonderful things that we have worked on this year, but living a meaningful life is easier than I thought. That is why I have joined you this year. Your purpose, passion and values are always peeking out at you. You just have to turn your gaze to places you weren’t looking previously. Lastly, believe and trust yourself. Always. No one will ever know you as well as you do. Read that again. No one. Love the wonderful authentic self that you have created and stay in the sunlight. And breathe.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach