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Ordinary Mind

We’ve all got one

Just One Look

Have you thought about yourself lately? I mean really thought. This should be a more frequent activity. There are times when our minds just roll along with our quick-paced life. We are thinking a lot, always seem super busy and fall into bed with excess thoughts. These passages are followed by times when we catch ourselves in a mirror and notice something isn’t quite right. I have changed my mind in my life many times. When my mind offers up a new thought suddenly, it is not always clear where it originated from. But I don’t spend much time plumbing those depths. I usually start to work out how to make my new thought work in my world.

Weight of the World

This is such a funny saying. There is no actual good weight for thoughts. Humans refer to the more serious thoughts as having more weight, but the light-hearted ones deserve the same type of admiration. Our minds can play tricks on us if we linger on the thoughts that don’t really belong to us. These errant ideas crop up unannounced and without invitation alongside the millions of really worthy ones. I frequently try to hold onto that thought when I don’t really feel like socializing with them. I want to have strong thoughts. I also want to use my mind more often to benefit me by exercising its free right to create.

First Place

Early in this year of transformation, we discussed habits and routines. Those are usually used for improving our bodies, but our minds need movement also. Humans with goals seem made for working out. Let’s stop here and see if there was any real change in the way you interpreted your thoughts and their readiness for life. Close those eyes, place those hands on those beating hearts and pause to breathe. We sincerely know that breath starts life and ends life. In between, there are trillions of ins and outs of air. Some are quick inhales and exhales. Some are noisy snores. Some are exhausted surrenders. But those breaths are all fueling us to build brain cells to continue to take even more breaths. Can you listen to your own breathing while reading this? It is always there for you. Our bodies are miracle machines. Even when they can’t think. That is hard to swallow but very true. Our minds are ours. No one should get to choose what we do with them but us. Our thoughts create how we walk the world presenting us to others. Think of one more way to put your best ideas on display today and earn your own first place medal.

Rest those Minds

This will seem nearly impossible. Your brain needs rest. Clearing out the cobwebs is great, working on elaborate plans to take over the world is fun, deep diving into work projects that need organization and finesse are fantastic. And quiet time is just as necessary as that time you spent in kindergarten on a mat pretending to take a nap. Teenagers require more sleep than anyone to encourage mind growth. Elders love a good nap and wake up grateful for the ability to give in to tired bodies. But what are you doing to fulfill the same need your mind has? This does not always work with sleep time because many times that is shortened for some other worthwhile cause. If it is really possible to take that pause and not use it to plot and plan and scheme, you will be able to plot and plan and scheme better shortly after. We are not trained for this. We must learn to do this as a choice for ourselves. Review the gift your mind is and reward yourself with a batch of nothing. No thing.

Is your mind ordinary? If not, give it a little down time.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach