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Ordinary Need

Be needy.

Make a List of what you Need

Grocery shopping is done frequently for most households. Refrigerators don’t automatically fill themselves when they are empty. Scheduled food home preparation services are terrific for some and take home, carryout and delivery are all options when hungry. There is always the old standby of a peanut butter and jelly if you keep those available. We know we have to feed ourselves. We know what it feels like to have a growling tummy. We are motivated to eat by commercials. Like sleep, eating is a daily activity. If you need practice, make a list right now of what you need to buy at your local market.

Need Me

I am grateful to be a coach. The process of becoming certified gave me the time and the tools to really understand me. I needed that. For many years, I read everything I could find on self-development and listened to recordings of those who had the secret to self-development. I still define these as secrets because they are not frequently shared with us in schools or at home. Mostly humans automatically roam through life reacting to where they live, who they live with, what they own or how they feel. There is no deep dive to the whys behind them. I really needed the whys. I recognize that everyone doesn’t need or want coaching, but I have never worked with anyone who didn’t really appreciate it after they experienced it. It is easy to understand that exploring your life with someone trained to provide the tools and options you need to increase your self-awareness is a no-brainer. Options are like gifts.

Your Needs

There are as many paths in coaching as there are people but there are also some fundamental needs shared by all humans. This month, we will discuss some techniques used in self-coaching. This is often where clients start to understand the goodness available by self-searching. It’s not exactly DIY but it does require reading and following some instructions to get results. Like me, self-coaching can lead participants to working with a coach in a more structured practice. Well-trained coaches can deliver results quickly due to their trained experience. But the end result for all coaching is for the client to be able to live an improved life and be able to coach themselves in most areas. It is rarely a practice that goes on endlessly. And it differentiates itself from therapy by focusing on the future. Typically, therapy focuses on some past experiences. There is a clear firewall that coaches don’t jump over.

Need Yourself

The first step is yours. Here is some homework. Let’s start with examining what you want to get out of coaching. If you want to live an uplifted life, be able to examine your thoughts, get past feeling stuck, handle a transition with grace or “fix” something in your life, write down your needs. You will need yourself for coaching. You will need to be open to feeling uncomfortable to do the real digging and you will need to sit back and love yourself really deeply. It’s dynamic and exciting. There are aha moments that will surprise you. There are past thoughts that might shock you that you actually thought them. Transformation really ramps up this month. Get ready.

Being needy is not a bad thing. That is just a thought. See, this is where the rethinking starts.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach