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Ordinary Neutral

Neutral Patterns

All things being equal, it can be difficult to maintain neutrality. Humans have diverse beliefs handed down from earlier versions of the tribe. When these beliefs were shared, we were in the absorbing phrase and everything someone told us seemed like a fact. Most of those beliefs kept us safe and alive so they were very easy to believe. When you get correct intel from a source, you tend to trust them. When you aren’t familiar with someone, it takes a hot minute to believe what they say. It’s still possible but not automatic.

Neutral does not mean Uncaring

It is possible to care and still remain neutral. But it takes a leap of faith. Faith is that sort of stuff that can’t be seen, so we often have a hard time holding on to it. Practically speaking, faith shows up every time we start the car. We just don’t always notice where it is hiding in our lives. Spiritually speaking, faith comes up in religious contexts. Humans shy away from talking about faith in order not to offend. But the fact is, there is no offense in having faith, and there is no offense in trying to remain neutral. Neutral is the midpoint between extremes.

Neutral Zone

Finding the neutral zone is helpful on many occasions. To translate the battle of words that occurs in our heads on the regular, finding neutral is a fabulous place to visit to lower the temperature. In fact, since self-chatter isn’t always the truth, it becomes more important than ever to listen to the chat and not respond. Neutral can be safe and soft. Neutral can allow for some movement. Neutral has been a working policy of countries that maintained peace. Neutral should be used more often.

Certainly Neutral

Humans like to have opinions. It makes us sound like we are certain. Since certainty is so rare, providing information that doesn’t require review gives us a break from trying to determine what is the absolute truth. That’s where neutrality comes in with an acceptable response. It also permits uncontrollable stuff to release the attached struggles and excuses. Neutral covers a lot of ground. It seems possible that the neutral zone is much wider than the polar opposites. That’s good. That will let more humans share thoughts without having to oppose any others just because they were labeled as extreme. Perhaps removing more labels should be next.

When can you remain neutral in responses? Does neutral seem strong? If neutral was available more often, would you choose it?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach