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Ordinary New Endings

Happy Ending

We yearn to find our happy place. I know this because I heard it on a commercial. But the marketers aren’t wrong. We search for that elusive feeling. We expect it at the end of novels. One hour dramas leave us with the wrong feeling if something good doesn’t happen near the end. Watching returning military families reunite is a heartwarming moment. Finding a beloved family pet that got away makes you remember why animals live in our homes with us. We expect some things to just end correctly.

New Ending to Old Beginnings

The calendar year is almost over. Many will really enjoy taking down the old calendar and replacing it. Learning to write the new year in the date won’t even seem annoying. A new month in a new year may be just what most of us need. It’s a line in the sand. We need a new ending to the old beginning of this year. Chances are that you have thoughts about what you want to change in the new year. Not so much like goals, but perhaps it is time to take our daily intention practice and beef it up. Unless you want to give up meat; then we will call it improving our rituals. Starting over with the end in mind gives us all the data on what didn’t work so well. Creating a better ending process creates a natural path to slip into the new intention.

Beginning with the End

Try and identify a couple of words that would describe your feelings about this year. Be blunt. The feelings that result from these words can tell you a lot about how you felt about the year. Check out the passion level of the words. If they represent how you really felt about the year, what happened that provided those feelings? The gut check is really how you feel about those words representing a year in your very finite life. If they meet your criteria, good. If they don’t, you have a new chance to start what you really want to happen.

Finding the Intention

In my free E-book, Finding Today, and my self-coaching book, Essentially Ordinary, I explain how to set a daily intention so that it means something to you at the end of the day. The full circle is much more powerful than repeating a feel-good phrase in the morning. Those can wear off quickly when real life walks in. Making your feeling intention an all day, back of the mind activity creates a new ending to your day through the power of your thoughts. Telling your brain what to look for all day long keeps it busy and reduces bad choices. Rethinking how we set up our lives is the basis for my coaching practice. You can develop practical skills to rethink your life to achieve fulfillment. It is a necessity to create that life you think of only in your dreams. So as this year ends, make a new intention for next year. Intend on making a new ending to what would have been an old beginning.

Finding Today is available for free! Just download it and get started. Essentially Ordinary is available on Amazon. Be the master of your thoughts next year. Start today. To schedule your introduction to rethinking call, contact me at [email protected]


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach