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Ordinary Path

Take the best path.

Options are Paths

Coaches usually spend time with clients helping them find options in life. Most humans don’t know that they actually have this power. But when someone else partners with you to find some options, it just feels easier. You can also self-choose. Guide yourself and see what happens. Grab your journal. Time to make a new list. This list is going to be the way to move your life choices forward. Take some time to make this list because you will need to include everything you want to do with your life. Including everything, even those tiny inklings are super important for this to make sense. This list can be as inclusive as you dare to make it. You can include things like changing your toothpaste flavor, throwing out all of your shoes that don’t really fit, finding the absolutely best fitting pair of pants or investigating a field of knowledge that has always intrigued you. All of these items will come from your own brain. You have been storing them there. Some of them are dusty because they have been waiting since childhood to get noticed. You would be pretty upset if you had to wait that long for anything.

Unorganized Paths

There is no need to watch how these are listed but using the language that describes them well is essential. This list might go on and on for pages. There are limitless options for many of us. If you start to get into your feelings while you make this list, you are doing it right. Think about all of the stuff you have already done in life. Some of them were by choice. Some of them were even by a joyful choice. Looking back just a little, some of them were dumb choices but you felt had to be chosen. These might bring up feelings of being forced. This is good to understand. That stuff is not optional in the future choices.

Path of Choice

Choice is a strange word. It acts like it enables one to decide freely. You can guarantee that there were choices made that didn’t meet that description. You can change that. It’s time to take that list and make your first choice. It doesn’t have to be more than buying lunch at the local diner, remembering to carry small bills to put into a sidewalk entertainer’s box or take a picture of your child every day. Go through the list and chose one that excites you right this second more than any other. Even if the choice is just a smidgeon more attractive, it goes first. Once the choice is made, do it. And then do it again and again. Make some notes next to it on the list when you are satisfied that you fulfilled the reason you put it on the list. When you are ready, choose the next one that excites you just a little bit more than the others. Repeat that one until you have satisfied yourself that you did it. Repetition reinforces the feeling that you wanted to get from it. Make some notes on what that feeling was.

Paths and Action

Going down this list and acting out each choice connects with your mind. These ideas came from your own mind. You thought them up. These paths of action demonstrate how to pick the next thing to do in life. Your energetic mind is working with you to physically find the paths you want to follow. If you skip the actual doing of these items, you don’t get the energy from the doing. Action is what creates the result. Synchronizing your mind with your choices helps you adjust your future. You are the path creator. Once you start to understand the part you play in the formation of your life choices, the paths get easier to follow. Excitement and enjoyment increase. Consider this option: what if you didn’t do this exercise and just kept on autopiloting through your life? How exciting is that choice?

You already have permission to choose the paths you want in life. Now you know how to start following those paths. Pick one.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach