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Ordinary Power

Super Power

It is not uncommon for sci-fi lovers to inquire about another’s super-power wish. It is a fun subject to think about because it can literally be anything. There is no glory in stating an interest in being the best dog-walker or cymbal player. It actually seems wasteful. For superpowers, it is important to think big. Real big. This is definitely a tactic needed in conversations about life choices.

Super Fear

In reality, most humans can talk a good game about wishes and desires but resist putting any real belief in being super. It’s not because we fear our lack of power. We are used to that. We are more afraid of really admitting that we have power. And we fear having too much of it even more. Humans get recognition for being humbly devoted to being inadequate. We are flawed but that doesn’t mean we need to like it so much. But being powerful beyond measure makes us want to hide.

Super Seen

Those with superpowers seem to have a good life. They have attractive hideaways and cool outfits that accentuate their strengths. But humans don’t see themselves that way. Even worse, being seen in ways that we can’t possibly control terrifies us. That would require living up to big expectations. Super expectations. When we become the creature in control, we have to change our ways. Everything we do or fail to do gets noticed. The spotlight is only fun when the dance moves are all well-rehearsed.

Super Caring

Without having the guts to be the superhero, try out for the caring sidekick. They are always useful, have mad skills and often look like they are alright with being the second banana. It would certainly meet the humble status level that humans are comfortable with because there is no big-headedness of the main hero. If this isn’t a role that you have seen yourself in before, this is a great introduction to the job. Never having done something before can be the best reason to try something new. Think about it. Semi-superheroes still wear cool capes.

What would your super-power be? Would you be a better caring sidekick than hero? Can you be seen as a superhero comfortably?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach