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Ordinary Resistance

Surrender to the resistance. Save your energy.

Quit the Resistance

The rebels often look just like the good guys in darker uniforms. Entertainment creates a better narrative for those who are fighting against the machine. Even if the machine has been holding down the fort for a long time. This is how historical change occurs. Sooner or later, someone comes along with new ideas about what is trendy and starts an argument big enough to make everyone choose sides. Once sides are created, the tension begins. Ten minutes ago, everyone was playing nicely and now the whole schoolyard is rumbling. We are adept at picking sides. We like to have a viewpoint. But change brings force. Can you pinpoint the little rebel in yourself? If your immediate reaction to everything new is an unspoken reluctance, is that due to standing down or having to get up and do something?

Resistance is Futile

Humans love this idea. It is catchy. There is an ingrown belief that trying to deal with friction creates a negative experience. And it does sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be assigned that thought. Breaking down the feeling of resistance is the starting spot. It is a common thought that change is not good. There might be the necessity to do something different. That might involve giving up some comfort. It might even require some actual work. It is hard to think about what good might come when you can’t see the future. Trust and belief are lonely for knowledge. This is the exact right time to forge ahead and increase feeling brave. Transformation has some needs. It doesn’t give out guarantees. If it is possible to really grasp that grabbing onto what is futile is the actual method to create a more fulfilling life, then resist no longer. Leaning in is the counter intuitive way to build the new fort. Consider holding onto the thought that trying to learn how to fly will be better than continuing to lounge about staring up at the clouds hoping for a big wind to take you somewhere else. If it helps, close your eyes.

Healthy Resistance

This particular part of resistance is often overlooked. Although sarcasm and cynicism are included as ingredients of this aspect, they are accompanied by the side-eye of non-compliance from a beneficial point of view. If there is a good side to resisting, it might be fed by a deep objection that is actually a heart-driven belief that something doesn’t sound kosher. Knowing something deeply is a feeling that should be examined instead of pushed aside. The soul creates these types of feelings. Later on, this adversity may become apparent but in its invisible state, it becomes the creation of thoughts that are trying to sidestep adversity. In other words, when you feel this, you just know. And it does not require the beliefs of any others. But it may involve ignoring them.

Open up

There are times when it is difficult to resist life. Surrender sounds like losing. If you are willing at this point in your transformation to hold space for some future magic, try and do so. Sometimes this means remaining quiet, or doing what you think is best, or choosing the exact opposite of what you currently believe. It may make you appear a little floppy. But practicing catching the opposing team’s ball gives you an unusual opportunity. It might be possible to see what is going on from a brand-new vantage point. Seeing a new path open up right in front of you allows you to choose differently. It does not mean that you have to wear the colors of the other team, but it wouldn’t hurt to have another jersey in the closet. The exertion alone will be good for you. And imagine what the other players will think about you. Being open-minded brings new admirers all the time.

Imagine: What are you resisting right this second that you can choose not to put any energy into? Do you enjoy creating friction in resistance? Can you trust your own feelings of healthy resistance?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach