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Ordinary Respect

This concerns all of us

Spell it Out

Words that get spelled out in songs or cheers often provide some motivation. Knowing that the word respect is spelled out infamously gives it gravitas. If the word was just sung as another word, it wouldn’t get so much notice. The value of respect is multi-faceted. We are most often aware of its usefulness when applied to sentences that use it for esteem. But this limits its ability to become a vital part of our lives. Humans don’t live in high regard for each other all of the time. We are busy with the more mundane choices like what to eat for lunch.

Everyday Use

To insert more respect into our daily lives, we need to remember that another definition is consideration. This is something we can use all of the time. Every morning we start out with making decisions based on what we consider are requirements and add in the niceties. The basic human AM start up includes cleaning ourselves, dressing in clean clothes, eating or drinking food that kickstarts our digestion and hurrying off to whatever nature of activity we think must take precedence. Days off are reserved for activities of true consideration.

Not an Offense

It is possible to think that if someone does not respect your boundaries, they are acting against you. It may be that your understanding of your own boundaries are much more intense than their knowledge. Maybe their boundaries are actually well over the line of yours. This is often how wars start. But try and consider what war you are waging inside your own mind and body around boundaries. If you find it easy to respect yourself not to eat candy at every meal, what times is it permissible? If you know that gaining new skills in one area can propel your career, are you waiting to find the exact right way to learn? If you want your relationship to be mutually respectful, are you willing to discuss what differences exist? Respecting yourself first and foremost by knowing what concerns you, having self-esteem and adjusting boundaries to have a less rigid life are all required. Self-respect doesn’t just exist in pithy sayings. It is how you feel at the end of the day when your head hits the pillow.

Values visitation

There is no one-and-done on values. The words we use to describe our central method of moving through life as great spirits sway back and forth. If you can list your values, they may also need multiple lines to describe their meanings. What works in one regard needs more detail in another. Basic respect is a baseline. But it morphs so that it creates ties between each of us. What passed for consideration between friends might not work for new acquaintances or coworkers. Oddly, the best way to think of this is the fact that values have different values. It is as if their currency adjusts like the market. That means that they must be reevaluated throughout life to make sure they are working optimally. After all, we know that it is necessary to grow physically. It seems right that we can grow in value also.

How often does respect get spelled out in life? What is your current level of respect?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach