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Ordinary Sacrifice

Giving it All Up

Offering up something precious can be viewed as a sacrifice. A sacrifice can also mean destruction or loss. Under normal circumstances, we don’t like to sacrifice anything because it creates a scarcity. We like to have it all. Companies spend millions of dollars and we endure thousands of hours of commercials to be told what we need to have in our lives. We give up our time to be influenced. A few minutes of attention results in big profits.

A Willing Sacrifice

This is where it gets difficult. To really attain something you really want, you really might have to sacrifice. We pay great lip service to making sacrifices for our families, friends and colleagues. The question is what we would sacrifice for ourselves. Deciding how much you are willing to surrender for your own cause is often the fuel that gets you to the goal. Our thoughts may be chock full of negative when considering the journey if they don’t consider the delightful thoughts about meeting the challenge.

Dedicated to Surrender

No puny intentions will work. It is all in or it probably won’t work. The end result will be in relation to the relinquishment. Average engagement will provide mediocre results which then have to be rationalized as the best that could be done. Focus and stare it down.

Don’t Settle

If you decide that you really want something, really want it enough to get it. This will save you the effort of creating universal excuses on why you didn’t do what you really wanted. This will also prove to you that you had the courage of your convictions and knew what was rightfully yours. There will be no guessing on why you gave up.

What do you really, really want? Are you brave enough to fight for yourself? Can you stay determined when you need to take one more step after a thousand steps?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach