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Ordinary Secret Plans

Secret Plans don’t Talk

Proclaiming to the whole world that you are going to do something momentous is a commitment some of us just can’t do. Depending on your general nature, you may like to remain humble about your crazy ideas, or don’t want to be questioned or belittled about having uppity thoughts or you might even just want to impress yourself first to see if you can do something special. Maybe it’s just to prove to yourself what you are still made of. Secrets are sometimes safe to keep when you are taking little steps to make changes also. It will become obvious gradually that something is different and that is when you know you have made noticeable change. It’s like fringe bangs.

The Secret Recipe of Change

It’s like trying out a new complicated recipe that you haven’t made before. You know that you have all of the ingredients, you have the basic skills and the sheer determination to want to try something new. You may have to read the recipe a few times. That’s what all that prep thought was before deciding on a start time. You worked it out sufficiently in your head and just have to trust that you can do it. The reason for the secrecy is your just-in-case strategy. Sometimes you have to adjust the spices to get a dish right. You can still high five yourself when you get it correct. Just celebrate with you this time.

Secret Acknowledgment

Change requires self-compassion, so acknowledge that there will be new emotions to taste. You may need to adjust the timing to get it done just right. If you remember your initial plans and make adjustments when necessary, you gain mad skills. Priorities are flexible but values aren’t. Communicate correctly with your mind. Don’t pick the whole thing apart like you are the critic from the NYT. Vulnerability can appear out of nowhere when we feel sensitive. Don’t respond, just listen to what your brain is saying so that you get to know yourself better. Think about how change tastes.

Sous Chef Acceptance

While small changes don’t always seem as dramatic as a flaming soufflĂ©, they still self entertain. There are so many ways to be thankful for the ability to smile at your own genius. Really, smile. Like with pleasure and accomplishment. You can manage a secret smile even later when you think about your minor accomplishments again and again. Marveling is no small feat. Eventually, others may notice some inescapable difference in you but for the time being, keep it under wraps. But definitely enjoy the dish.

Can you keep a secret? Since it isn’t always tempting to proclaim our crazy goals, why not try on a little change and see how it feels first. Can a small change lead you to bigger things?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach