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Ordinary Secrets

Can you keep a secret?

Society of Secrets

All groups generally have secrets. Some secrets aren’t as much fun as the type of secret that children like to share on the school playground. The actual act of cupping a hand next to someone’s ear and whispering something previously unknown feels special. Those first secrets were mostly social connections. Secrets between teenagers can feel more impacting. In general, secrets seem to grow and collide with life as we age. But this is primarily the DNA of secrets that are connected with shame or a feeling of error. These secrets have their own society.

Secrets Whisper

One of the most underutilized methods of sharing information is the more intimate method of whispering. The actual volume with which a giggle or a serious thought is shared gives it more gravitas. Whispering makes others listen more intently. And the mere thought that something is being exchanged with singularity, elevates it. Humans like to be in on something. Lovers share whispered desires and words of endearment. When whispers tickle the ear, another dimension is added to the experience. If you really want to get someone’s interest, lower your voice or whisper. When they lean in, you have their attention.

Sour Secrets

Some family secrets are hidden because they are thought of as embarrassing or bad. There are plenty of events that families have a working knowledge about but something about what happened renders it a secret. If any damage might come to a family name or negatively affect the future of a family member, it is possible to agree to secrecy. Although this rarely remains totally a kept secret, it often becomes an urban myth and only shadow details are shared with a discreet group that is not supposed to continue the chain. These types of secrets often don’t benefit anyone and may eventually come back up later with resentment in life. Even if the initial adults thought that the pact was made for a good reason, time often erodes the lock.

Sweet Secrets

Secrets can be used to portray love. The prospect of the possible success to an engagement question is kept quiet until after the revelation. Pregnancy announcements are sometimes held back out of caution. Illnesses are sometimes hidden. Even the ultimate secret of the contents of a will are not revealed until everyone involved is gathered. This is a great time to check out where you are keeping a secret. Sometimes my weight is like a state secret and only shared with my doctor. Other times, it is difficult to remain silent about some cool gift I found for a family member. But if secrets are kept that ultimately wash away trust, they should be banished. Secrets should be kept silent only as long as needed. Test this theory frequently. It is easier to live openly than have to remember where everything is hidden.

What secret society are you still a part of? What is the biggest secret you are keeping about yourself? If you know someone’s else’s secret, are you a good vault?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach