Ordinary Sight

I was in middle school standing behind a piece of tape on the floor several feet away from a giant E when something good happened in my life. The nurse proclaimed that I needed glasses. That rudimentary test opened my world to clear sight and a life of glasses and contacts. Through the years, I selected pretty frames and colored lenses and enjoyed the ability to see. Those first few minutes in the morning fumbling on the nightstand for my specs were quickly forgotten once they were on my face. I could see.

Eye exams should really occur as soon as possible in children’s lives. Our point of view in the world is priceless and singular and sight is our gateway. Painful delays in this process should be avoided.

Creating our life vision is not simple. Some decisions weigh heavily due to uncertainty. How we “see” ourselves isn’t always true. But planning our future is essential even with unknown knowns and known unknowns. That is the point. You make it up. It can be anything you want, but you have to be your future self to make it so. It can even change! The gift of this exercise is just placing your ordinary self into your own hope filled vision. The more creative the vision is, the better. Starting the process will enable you to engage with your future world and feel its success.

You cannot count on your past supplying your future. You may not even know how you stumbled to this spot, but without your future self vision, you will not move much farther. That’s okay with sleepwalkers or those who just don’t feel like being anything in life. But not you.

Not many of us “feel” extraordinary. But that’s because you only feel what you feel. You cannot feel what others think about you and they cannot live off of the way you see them. Your ordinary gift is what makes you special. There is no one exactly like each of us, so ordinary is automatically exceptional. Creating your own vision of your intention and living that goal in your head now will be your next ordinary step. Living “as if” you are already in your future self enables you to walk, talk and think in that self.

Define who you really will be in two years. How do you look, think, what are you doing and who is with you? Take a step everyday on your ordinary path to understand who that person is and you will be that person!


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach