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Ordinary Slap Dash

Scattered by myself

Options are important to me. When I first realized that there were so many, I really started to appreciate them more. They also helped me see how my random choices had previously undid me. The odd thing about the past is that it is so easy to see through. The future, not so much. Our eyes will never really see with clarity. Probably by purpose. Just admitting that I blasted through so many choices in the past made me slow down. And pause. There are times in our lives when there is so much going on that it seems impossible to do two things at one time. As soon as you master doing two things, there are three. Escalation propels itself. Life is like that. Humans are taught to make quick decisions. It becomes a horrible habit. But it is often seen as a good routine. Books are written about it and experts claim that it will help reclaim actual time. What a charade. In the meantime, my decisions have a little stop sign attached to them. The extra reading time involved helps. Since slap dash sounds so messy, I will need to rename it.

The Simple truth

Option #1: What is your most dashing moment?

Option #2: Do you have a decision-making process?

Option #3: Can you slow yourself down?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes your thoughts on decisions, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach