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Ordinary Soul Touch

Did you feel that

Gently Smacked

Let’s talk about some woo-woo stuff. The feeling of having your soul touched by life has innumerable options. That’s a good thing. It means that there aren’t Vegas-like odds on experiencing the essence of life. We are spirits within human bodies. More spirit than flesh. That concept takes a while to become more concrete than ice cream. The melting mechanism scares people because it doesn’t appear solid. Makes sense for a spirit. But there are moments when life gets to us. Positively and negatively. This acknowledgement usually comes as a surprise because you can’t really plan this high-level stuff. On top of that, humans don’t like to believe things they cannot see or touch. Like real stuff. In truth, there is no real difference between what we can or cannot see or those without sight would have a great advantage in faith. Plants do not require proof that they will grow. They grow with proper care and lack of extreme circumstances. They sound like humans. Our internal mechanism is what helps us develop our spirit. Once we let go of programming that was factory installed by our manufacturers and can develop theories based on true life, we bump into the spiritual self. Pretty delightful. Our insides glow with the who we have created. You have probably noticed this little glow in those who feel comfortable with their spirit. Next time you are caught in the dark, check out yours.

Did you see that

Option #1: When did you last experience spirit?

Option #2: Can you count on your internal spirit?

Option #3: Is there any reason not to believe in your spirit?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes spirit to you, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach

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