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Ordinary Split Self

Self Service

Being who you are meant to be by being who you really are is harder than it looks. In childhood we were handed a role to play based on what was available in our original family’s realm of understanding. Limitations were freely included. They were based on whatever beliefs were keeping watch over the family zeitgeist. This first-self carried us through many years until a point when our eyes became aware of something that didn’t fit in the family puzzle. These early unassociations were deposited in our inner vault. During the process of ingesting them, we cracked open little fissures in our belief system.

Self Silence

When newly discovered thoughts start not to match up with well-established ones, they provide strange feelings. We want to hold on to the original beliefs because they are familiar, but the new ones are so appealing. When a thought is attractive, it deserves attention. It is calling to you, flirting with you and will eventually jump up and down in front of you so that you don’t just dismiss it. The universe gives you that energy and the allure is how it shouts out how important it is for you to experience. Whenever something waves this hard at you, it is really yours. You can keep it silent inside of you for a time, but you must be prepared to feel the consequences. You may not be comfortable in ignorance.

Split Up

The process of becoming who you really are has its benefits. It is exciting to realize how much fun it is to choose yourself. To do so, you have to take all of the split selves and pick and choose what to keep from them. It takes an enormous amount of bravery to examine the values you want to include in your brand. You must gradually pick and choose the people to be close to. The habits that benefit your chosen self will be different than those you felt were so important before. When you split up with the former selves you don’t want to carry forward, you will be lighter and brighter. Think about how losing twenty pounds feels. Renovate the past by donating it to others who still want it.


There is no blame or shame in self-makeovers. It is actually honoring what is supposed to be. Just imagine the world filled with folks who choose themselves, their values and act with authentic joy. There is no need to focus on those who gave you the original beliefs or show them the error of their ways. There is rarely a great reason to choose being right over being true. Your life will be the best advertisement of your brand. So, pay attention. When things start to feel itchy and don’t fit you, check yourself. The bat signal of your inner guide is letting you know it is time. Time to be you.

Do you really feel like and like who you are? What would it take for you to choose who you really want to be? Are you willing to choose yourself now to live joyfully with your future self?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach