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Ordinary Start

Start at the beginning

The beginning is not always where you think it will be. Sometimes the beginning is a little closer to the middle but it can be near the end also. You have already completed a lot in life, so this should not be a surprise. You didn’t start back at the beginning of life for every project.

Start where you are

Each day, we move around. Every time we move and get to a new spot, we start again. We are great at adapting to the new, even though we often tell ourselves we don’t like change. This is an incredible lie we repeat often. The reality is that we change every day, all day long and don’t even give it much of a thought. The truth is that we don’t like uncertainty or not knowing what will happen. When we start in each new spot, we reinforce our unparalleled ability to adapt and change. We are masters of change.

Start with the end in mind

We remember endings well. The culmination of a well planned task or the satisfactorily tired feeling at the end of a day of fun allows us to review the entire event. We feel full and the overall memory eclipses the individual parts of the project. The glow extends to those who were with us. This enhanced memory elevates the way we feel about those who were with us. Paying attention to how we end everything results in more satisfaction. We aren’t taught to pay attention to setting up the end for great success. More attention is paid to the start with the hope that things will turn out well.

Somewhere in the middle

I am a middle child. We are the best. Middle children have the benefit of watching their elder siblings lead the way, make mistakes and get a lot of attention. Generally, older children wear down their parents enough to make it easier for middle children. Those younger than us get a lot of attention also but they aren’t expected to lead the troops. They are appreciated for just being who they are. Middle kids know how to be diplomatic and can negotiate with family members of any age. We watched, we learned.

The highlight

So where are the real highlights of life? Everywhere. We just haven’t been told that it is okay to think this way. Sometimes a great cup of coffee is a highlight; on another day it could be a bargain on a spectacular piece of clothing. Highlights can appear like magic when you look for them. People can be the best find when you need them the most.

Start here and start now. What is the best part of the day so far? How will this day end? What can you do to uplift and appreciate the ordinary?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach