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Ordinary Strong

Muscle Through It

Strong Muscles

There is a common misbelief that a habit takes 21 days to solidify. This often becomes an issue on the 22nd day when the habit doesn’t automatically occur naturally. The real truth is that the 21 days provide familiarity but not an unbreakable routine. Now you know that it wasn’t just you. It’s all of us. It would be miraculous to build a new habit in that short of a time but it is a quandary why we believed that when it never happened. Humans internalize negativity when we don’t live up to comparisons or the ways things are supposed to happen. Singularity isn’t always appreciated. Remember 7th grade?

Strong is a Journey

If you can reconfigure your thoughts that the journey of creating the habit is just as enlightening as reaching a successful point, there is less emphasis on where that actually is. As you interact with your notebook by one-word journaling, or even pop in a few extra phrases, you see that the act of doing provides as much strength as the chosen words. As you jot down more to-dos, more not-to-dos, add in some more want to-dos and enlarge the activity, the muscles are building a habit that satisfies.

Strength Can Be Soft

The easiest way to describe soft strength is to think of a grandmother from a past generation. This is the woman that could feed multiple children on a shoestring budget, keep shoes on growing feet, control a spouse without letting him know it, create traditions just by repeating activities and still could rock a hat with a flowery dress. These grandmothers knew how to soothe a boo-boo, milk a cow and keep house without help. They didn’t try to change those soft parts. They just made sure that they had strong parts as needed. The parts of us that we want to change because we think they are too soft should receive adoration. They are the other side of the muscles.

Routine To-Dos

This month, transformation is based on two levels. Changing your thoughts about lists takes constant surveillance. Life changes and tasks are flexible. Make life successfully comfortable. Keep in mind that life requires renovation just like a garden. Planting the same vegetables every time doesn’t work for expert farmers and doesn’t work in life either. Amending the base takes time but always has better results. And the renovation time can be meditative. This is your life. Take some time with it. It will be a longer journey if you stop along the way.

Familiar with your notebook? If yes, keep it close. If you want to love it more, keep it closer. The more you to-do, the more you won’t need to to-don’t.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach