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Ordinary Tired

Tired Time

There is a lot of advice available about how to handle being tired in the late mornings and afternoons. The feeling is often attributed to the slump that occurs after combining caffeine and sugar. Caffeine and sugar are the number one and two menu items for most people. They are both entirely legal and there are plenty of ways to enjoy them both. In some supermarkets, there are full aisles devoted to ways to consume them. They aren’t going anywhere. We may be overstimulated just making a selection.

Systematic Weariness

There is a different kind of fatigue that is attributed to illness, both mental and physical. Medications often have warnings in regard to this as a side effect. Allergy medicines are well known to cause drowsiness and they are available over the counter. We are willing to put up with this kind of issue if the symptoms of a more serious illness improve with the medicine. Pain can prevent sleep and not just physical pain; there is mental anguish. We can always plan to have another cup of coffee to offset the drooping eyelids to keep ourselves awake for the suffering.

People Weary

We don’t often think about it but some people make us tired. They are a lot to deal with especially if they have a heightened sense of their own reality. They can exhaust us in ways that we don’t appreciate because there is no up side to these folks. We know that active children will wear us down but we don’t think about the draining nature of putting up with people who need to be “extra.” If we can identify them in our lives and marginalize our interactions with them, we don’t go into automatic exhaustion as soon as they come into view. They are mostly just attention seekers. We don’t mind this in toddlers; we don’t want it in adults.

Life Draining

Even when we get the prescribed amount of nightly sleep, it is possible to feel tired in the morning. We may have not slept well due to children or animals or dreams. But we may really be tired of life, a spiritual tiredness. There are times where our spirits run out of fuel, or we have more on our plates to handle and that’s the only time our brains can work and are in overtime sorting out things. No amount of sleep can make up for this kind of deficit. This kind of depletion requires a change in circumstances and that isn’t always immediate. If you encounter someone who is tired, take an easy moment. Living with any kind of burnout requires human interaction to soften the effects. It is a time to lower the hustle volume to enjoy living more. Do your part for the worn-out people.

Do you get physically tired after consuming caffeine? Does your body yearn to get back into bed at night to get more sleep? Has your soul ever been weary?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach