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Ordinary Unforgettable

Unforgettable in every Way

You weren’t born to be forgettable. Remember that. You were born to be fulfilled, experience inner peace and live a life of passion. You may not feel as if you know what your purpose even is, but it is just lurking inside of you waiting until you are ready for it. There are no junk humans. All are worthwhile. If you can remember that while you are waiting in line at the check-out, you will look around you and wonder a bit what everyone is working on. We are all born with a unique set of talents and skills and the inner guidance to know what to do with it. If you have yet to find your joyful path, it is time to explore more you. Not knowing is always a signpost for discovery. Explorers know that. They don’t necessarily know what they will find, but they know that setting out with a good headwind will cause them to start the journey well. You just need to get onboard.

Memorable Qualities

Pick two qualities that you want to be your brand. These two values are the tags you can wear as you interact with all the other humans. If someone looks at you, let them know what they will get. If they have to work for it, they may feel like they are staring too hard inappropriately. Everything in life does not need to be humbly invisible. Some values should be shouted. If we all walked around wearing baseball caps advertising our values, we would know who to approach when we had a need. When others need us and we serve them, magic happens! We have the opportunity to help them help themselves and we get brownie points too. It is a win-win. That kind of opportunity doesn’t show up when we hide ourselves behind some opaque version because we think everyone else is a mind reader. Believe me, reading minds is mostly a waste of time. Even when you are right, someone will tell you that you weren’t.

Consciously forgetting

Rebirth is a part of our inheritance as humans. We can change in a moment. It is vital to change as soon as it is needed because all life cycles end and you don’t want to get close to the border and realize you have unfinished business. Life noise can sometimes be used to distract us from our life’s work. Try to consciously forget to do the things that keep you from moving forward. That means put down that glass of wine, smartphone, credit card, remote or mouse and do something different. Anything will break the spell. Let go and observe what pulls your attention. Lift your head and count the stars. It is impossible to be numb looking at the night sky. It even motivates you to think and rethink. Find space for you to listen to you. Filtering out all of the other noises lets you hear what you are thinking.

List your Unforgettable

What memories will you consider at the end of your life? That future you needs to have something to look back at with pride and love. You don’t want to have to hide the cruel facts that you wasted precious time scrolling and learning nothing. You don’t want to not have a chance to let others know how much impact they had on you and let them acknowledge your effect on them. It would be better if you wanted to talk about how you lived, not how you didn’t live. The good news is that this future you is with you right now. They want you to gift them with good memories. They want to have fun and serve a purpose before it is too late. Look into the face of you at that final time when everyone will gather around you with love. Creating life now will allow everyone to honor their emotions, release the pleasure of your well-lived life and remind them of their own need to change before their time runs short. Your impact goes on and on.

What is on your unforgettable times of life list? What can you add now to your near future to insure you get used to living for real? Can you release what you are doing right now in life that doesn’t reflect how you want to see yourself?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach