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Ordinary Uplifting


Raise the Roof

As a child, I cannot recall being thankful for attending church. It was more of a required ritual and didn’t seem designed for young people. Adults in robes, loud music, scary statues and having to sit still and be quiet are not in the job description of any young person. When you add in the fact that visits to church were early on days off from school, dressing up in scratchy clothes and missing out on play time, there was no chance that I would be grateful for having to attend. Even having special outfits on holidays only brought minimal excitement. I sang and prayed along but didn’t listen attentively to the sermons. I may have been daydreaming.

Indie Spirit

Your individual spirit is the who inside you. Only you are familiar with what makes up your heart and soul. In life, there are instances where some of this information is shared with other humans but rarely is all of us laid bare. We hide stuff that may not be popular. It is also probable that we keep the true vault of our souls intact. This type of secret is good and often feels like the best secret to keep to ourselves. When you look around at the other humans in your life, know that they too have an indie soul that they hold dear. When you put your hand on your heart and breathe quietly, you become aware of your true self.

Moving Spirit

Throughout life, your indie spirit will change. The transformation may take place through a new calling in your thoughts, knowledge that comes to you, reflecting deeply on yourself or your choice. The brightest bulb you can burn for yourself is acknowledgment that you can move your own spirit. In fact, that was what was missing from my earlier attendance. My little girl spirit was interested in little girl stuff. Perfectly normal. I just needed to sit there and absorb what was going on and my soul never intended on my loving it. Sometimes, life just wants us to be a sponge. Easy learning opportunities don’t come up very often for grown-ups. The stuff our spirits endure makes more of an impression when it is sinfully shocking. If it makes your eyes pop open or your ears perk up, it is your adult spirit paying attention.

Quiet Spirit

As you get used to living, the spirit develops a quieter side that is gently forceful. Experience makes it harder to shock you. At times, the gentleness of not only your own spirit but that of others makes such a humble impression that it can be overlooked. This is where experience comes into play. Finding meaningful moments with softer eyes allows the soul to capture obscure remnants of beauty. There is no way that my baby spirit would have loved these. This is where the fun comes in. By the time you determine that fun doesn’t just involve loud giggles and screams, it morphs into a new form. A soul is meant to be fun. This definition of fun is different for all of us. It can be graceful, musical or lovely because it reflects us. When the soul mirrors what we have hugged into existence, we feel our own joyful fun. When you choose to share this with another human, it is a precious gift.

What is in your soul vault? Is your soul screaming or growling? Do you know someone with a precious spirit?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach