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Ordinary Values

Valuable Values

There are so many values to choose from. Typically, I encourage clients to choose two values that they want to model. Restraining the number of choices you make keeps it simpler to really ensure that they are the correct ones for you. Values need to speak directly to you, and many are easy to ignore if they don’t represent your intentions. Given enough time and patience, the selected values get stronger. Struggling to live up to what you have chosen is a signal to rethink. Values should be comfortable.

False Values

There are many values that are more fake than real. The common outward signs of success can often be discussed as worthy of aspiration. These are the commercials of values. They are shiny and look like fun. These can seem like prizes. If you see power, wealth, success or good luck as values to attain, it’s time to rethink. Although this type of value is often promoted in the media and in business, they are certainly short-lived. The great feelings disappear as soon as there is any movement in the opposite direction. Steer clear and keep searching for values that can become lifelong friends.

Almost Values

There are noble-sounding values that are extremely attractive, but they are rooted in the ego. They lack the depth of meaning for the kind of values that inspire fulfilling lives. Many times, these values provide steps that are needed for the higher values. If you look to knowledge, likeability, beauty and friendliness as the kind of values that call your name, rethink why they sound so good. These are more surface-oriented. You can even hold being thoughtful as a great value but eventually you may realize that it is a means to an end that includes a better choice of value. Watch out for these pleasant values and don’t abandon them. Enjoy what they bring to your thoughts.

Meaningful Values

We often yearn to have a meaningfully fulfilled life. To attain that level, aspire to higher values that deliver the best response. When values are chosen that fit seamlessly into the life that you are living, you are living up to your highest promise. Your life quality is founded on your chosen values. When you can choose to live an insightful life with goodness, kindness and compassion at its foundation, you are on the right track. When giving comes without the thought of getting in return and love is the basis of all decisions, life has true meaning. When you consider your values, think about what they mean personally to you. You will wear them well if they fit you and you are proud of them. The connection to you makes the difference. Your values represent the true you. After you have gathered them closely to you, hold them up and check your reflection. They should suit you well.

Can you name your values? What one value should you aspire to that seems like a stretch? Why are the surface-oriented values so much fun?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach