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Ordinary Wait

Not just yet

Check the schedule

Time is such a controlling part of our lives. After humans determined that it was safer to hunt when they could see their prey before the prey found them, nighttime started to become the quieter part of the day. Seasons create months of waiting for optimal growing conditions. To work with the largest number of participants available, many companies have established times to maximize the schedule. Transportation follows the lead to keep them profitably busy. Built into every life, there is waiting. If a human’s life is superful of appointments, the little pockets of waiting might be lost. Yes, lost. Because the wait is worth something. It is still time. In fact, waiting might be some of the most precious time of life. It can present as time that isn’t fully scheduled. If wait time can be considered part of the actual activity it bumps up against, it has the chance to become gold. In a world where most humans feel like they are rushing from task to task, grab ahold of the wait. Maybe this is the line at the grocery, maybe this is at the bus stop, maybe this is while preparing a meal, maybe these stealable minutes are everywhere. They are out there just waiting for you to capture them and decide how to use them. Even if used as that hard-to-find time to breathe like a yogi, blend them in for your personal pleasure. No need to wait.

Just a second…

Option #1: When did you last wait?

Option #2: How can you make waiting work for you?

Option #3: Is there any reason not to love waiting?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes waiting to you, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach

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