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Ordinary Weakness

It was just a moment

Stop Shaking

It isn’t one of my more delightful moments. Weakness surprises us with its strength and its aggressiveness. Human weakness should not be able to take over the entire nervous system without warning. But sometimes it does. The initial feeling of shock gives way to disbelief which eventually becomes recognition. Wondering how the hell that happens so fast is just a subset. Whenever weakness becomes apparent to me in some capacity, it seems as if the next step is to counteract it or even deny it. Because it does not feel like a legal part of being a strong human, it represents something outside of the usual realm. It smells weak. In that moment, there is a subtle breaking of the personal standards chosen to represent our identity. The shaking and wondering what is happening doesn’t help. It can become fear if left to linger on its own. Oddly, it often feels like a natural byproduct also. Weakness is considered a human condition. It may even demonstrate an angle that requires some effort. Post illness, the body needs to be rebuilt. After a relationship shock or close-by death, there is a wariness that feels as if nothing will ever be the same again. And it probably won’t. Like those fancy Asian gold-repaired objects, the breaks can become strong again. Some, even stronger. That’s something to focus on when the shaking gets strong.

Build it better

Option #1: When did you last feel shaky?

Option #2: How can you gain personal strength?

Option #3: Is there any reason to be weak?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes weakness to you, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach