NEXT Action
Action has dual Personalities Sometimes our brains act like they have two personalities. The angelic one gets all of those great ideas and wants to get ahead, complete tasks, redecorate…
Action has dual Personalities Sometimes our brains act like they have two personalities. The angelic one gets all of those great ideas and wants to get ahead, complete tasks, redecorate…
Curiosity Questions Normal curiosity is a super power for a three year old. The constantly asked question of the year is "why" and parents can get very creative just trying…
Secret Plans don't Talk Proclaiming to the whole world that you are going to do something momentous is a commitment some of us just can't do. Depending on your general…
Reasonably Awesome It is reasonable to believe that we are all ordinarily awesome. This blog, this website and my book, Essentially Ordinary, are all based on the premise that all…
Fear of Should There are a whole lotta fears in our world. It's best we just focus on the ones we can actually have an effect on and come into…
Being Brave We each live in two moments at the same time. One moment includes everyone around you socially. The second moment is being with yourself. There are multiple levels…
Normalize the Apology Apologies are a principal vehicle for truthful speech. Or at least they should be. Being honest with ourselves and with others about something painful or disappointing requires…
The Doing Mode Many of us spend the bulk of our time in the doing mode. We move from task to task completing the maze at an optimal speed. We…
Time is a Construct It is so much easier to accept that we have no control on time when we have reasons to rationalize that it doesn't really exist. That…
Trigger Warning Our everyday vernacular has a newish word that isn't really defined well so we can use it in lots of scenarios. The word trigger used to be reserved…